Why I choose the Muay Thai life

Why people choose the Muay Thai life boils down to very personal reasons.

What may start out as:

- curiosity 🧐

- a way to get fit💪

- a desire to meet new people👭

- a method of de-stressing ⭐️

- to gain self-confidence 😇

May change into something completely different as their journey progresses.

The reality is that, whatever your reason, the only person it really matters to is yourself. Because that’s who you have to be accountable to, when you show up and put in that hard work session after session. Sure, it helps to find a supportive community, but at the end of the day, it’s you who are responsible for making the effort for a successful workout. (No amount of shouting and cajoling and threats 😇 from our trainers can do that and make you continue to show up for every session).

And if you first signed up to get over a bad break-up / loss of a friend / getting fired / argument with a colleague and now find yourself training for different reasons, power to you!

Simply staying in shape is no longer a good enough reason alone to stick with certain fitness regime. Why choose something which just keeps you in shape when it can bring you joy, a sense of community, feelings of personal achievement and clear and focus your mind?

Whether it’s yoga, crossfit, zumba or mountain biking, the key is to finding a sport which strengthens not only your body, but your mind. That’s the only way you’re going to be to get the full benefits you deserve.

Now go kick some butt!
