Bullies not welcome

Our member today was threatened by a much larger bloke who made a point of removing his hoody before threatening to F*** him up.

Wisely, our member, who did not know this person decided to walk away.

When told about the incident, we were especially upset. Firstly, because bullying is not ok, and secondly because when this bully removed his hoody, it was to reveal a JAI top.

(Our member, was not wearing any JAI gear, which makes us think this was a random cowardly attack.)

It could be someone

  • who is a member of our club, using their skills to threaten strangers

  • a non-member who got a hold of our shirt and is using it to intimidate people.

Either way, it’s the work of a bully, who also feels the need to pick on someone smaller, and threaten them with not only their size, but perceived martial arts skills.

Funny, cos if street fights are the key to toughness, you could at least pick on someone bigger, or close to your size. To a trained martial artist though, the thought of hitting someone for no reason without a glove or wraps is not only distasteful - it’s also bad for business as it can actually damage your money makers.

So go on and add broken hands (not to mention jaw) along with jail time, a prison record and end of your fight career to the list of cons.

So, Mr Tough Guy in your JAI shirt, whoever you are, we’re coming for you. We won’t hunt you down with fists, but when we get the footage of you, we will report you to the police.

As for training? You won’t be welcome back.

To our member who did the right thing by walking away and reporting it to us -we’ve got your back.

Because bullying is not OK.