Why we need your help going online

Remember the first time trying Muay Thai?
It probably felt foreign compared to other workouts.
The movements, while exciting seemed impossible to get the hang of.
Trying to follow instructions, despite feeling like the worst in class.

And on top of that, convincing yourself nobody was watching while feeling mortifed about how silly you must look. Yet despite all this, for so me crazy reason, you kept showing up.

And with persistence, you got better, it got more fun and you started to crave the challenge. Before you knew it, it became a natural part of your routine, and something that improved your life.

That’s how we’re looking at training from home. It's not something that any of us have chosen, but something we feel we have to do. While in lockdown we can't sell gear, and we're not chefs.

So we either go online or we do nothing.

And chosing between doing nothing and doing something (even if it is out of our comfort zone) is an obvious choice.

But we need your help.

After 12 years of teaching in-person, it's like becoming that newbie in class again.It's not just teaching an old dog new tricks. It's teaching an old dog new tricks to teach the young guns.

It's scary, sometimes overwhelming and we do worry that we look like a complete novice🙃

For those of you who have already tried us out - thank you! We can certainly understand how strange taking instructions from a shouting screen must be! But remember, behind that screen, is the same team that have been guiding you through your Muay Thai journey.

And though the platform has changed, the intention is still the same. We've been researching drills and techniques we can use. Trying out all sort of established online classes from boxing to HIT to K-Pop (yes!) and yoga to see how we can improve our delivery.

Now we need your help to let us know what we're getting right (or wrong), so that we can create classes which you look forward to attending and (hopefully) become a part of your normal - whenever you can't get to us in person.

So give us a shot - Zoom, FB Live, Youtube, spread the word and give us feedback. (You dont have to turn on your camera!)

Thanks for helping to keep us in business!