Clinching and Pads

Clinching & Pads đŸ„ŠđŸ„Š
Learn the secrets of Muay Thai clinching đŸ„Š from our professional trainers đŸ‘šâ€đŸ«đŸ‘©â€đŸ«
Next to round-house kicks, clinching is the bread and butter of the Muay Thai fight game đŸ„Š
Use your clinch skills to dominate in sparring and fighting.
Wear down stronger and larger opponents using skill to tire them out, and land devastating elbows đŸ’Ș
Classes are suitable for everyone except complete beginners ⚠
We'll focus on clinching techniques đŸ„Š and have the opportunity to try out techniques on classmates of different sizes and strengths** đŸ’Ș
And we'll finish with Thai padwork combos đŸ„Š which include the whole Muay Thai arsenal of all the eight limbs together with clinch techniques to form the complete Muay Thai training session. đŸŠč